When I get into deep conversations about my experience, I describe some of my life events as a “blessing and a curse.” They can be seen as curses because they were periods of hardship but can equally be seen as blessings because of the personal growth that ensued. I regard mentorship as my opportunity to reap the rewards of that growth, not just for myself but also for people in my community who seek out those deeper conversations.
Monthly Online Mens Group
I currently co-facilitate a monthly online men’s group with Levi Chase, which is welcoming new members.
As a group, we gather on Zoom between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm (PST) on the first Wednesday of every month. Every other week, we connect at least once on WhatsApp with a two-minute audio message.
Primarily, the group is a place to connect with other men. Additionally, it can be a place to give and receive emotional support, intellectual counsel, personal accountability… The only requirement is attendance. What you get beyond connection with other men is proportional to what you put in.
The two-hour monthly meetings follow this format:
Grounding Exercise
A short activity to get us out of our minds and into our bodies so that we can be present with the other men in the space. This can be a short meditation or another activity with a similar effect.
Two Minute Check In
Time used to give a short update about our lives since we’ve last seen each other and how we are feeling.
Open Space/Clearing
Time used to directly address anything that is keeping a man from being fully present. This could be done by taking ownership of an emotional state, asking a question, or by identifying a projection one man has on another through a “charge clearing.”
Open Shares
Time used, by men who requested an open share during two-minute shares, to share more about or process something going on in their lives. At the end of their share, the man can request specific support or feedback and specify what that should look like.
Blessings and Gratitude
Time used to share take-aways or appreciation for the group and its members.
The group has a sliding-scale membership fee of $20–$50/month.
Please reach out to me if you are interested in joining or have any questions.